Sunday, August 20, 2006

Days 4 and 5 Photos

Before leaving Te Anau, we stopped for another statue picture, this time of a takahe.

A picture of one of our meals--I dont' remember if this was day four or five, but I thought the wine bottles on display (with beer as a side) were telling.

Fat Sheep, who was surprisingly prone to being chilly, sitting in front of the space heater in our hotel room.

The sign for Demolition World, starring the wrestling tag team who were completely absent during our visit.

A sampling of the buildings in Demolition World. There were, I think, more than a dozen different buildings, each furnished and decorated inside and out.

Another picture in Demolition World.

And, finally, the morbidly obese pigs that were at Demolition World. They refused to get up and move around while we were there, and I can't says as I blame them. Their legs would doubtless collapse.

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